AC Cooling and Air Conditioning Systems

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73 Total Reviews /files//pc-logo-300-112.jpg224-305-0601$241 S STATE ST , Elgin IL

AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois

We install and service all brands of central air conditioning and cooling systems in Chicago , IL. If you have an existing cooling system our trained staff can diagnosis your AC system and recommend terrific new high efficiency choices. We offer same day evaluation and prompt air conditioning installation services Chicago , IL.

Let us help you decide how best to solve your air conditioning needs today.

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Premier Comfort AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois

Recent AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois by Premier Comfort

AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois
Check For Water Leakage Around Furnace Area. Found Condensate Drain Pipe Clogged Due To Improper Pipe Settle At Condenser Pump. Found Bad Condenser Pump. Replace Condenser Pump And Hose, Rework On Condensate Pipe For Proper Settle And Air Flow.
Chicago , IL

AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois
Check For Water Leakage Around Furnace Area. Found Condensate Drain Pipe Clogged Due To Improper Pipe Settle At Condenser Pump. Found Bad Condenser Pump. Replace Condenser Pump And Hose, Rework On Condensate Pipe For Proper Settle And Air Flow.
Chicago , IL

AC Cooling And Air Conditioning Systems Chicago , Illinois
Check For Water Leakage Around Furnace Area. Found Condensate Drain Pipe Clogged Due To Improper Pipe Settle At Condenser Pump. Found Bad Condenser Pump. Replace Condenser Pump And Hose, Rework On Condensate Pipe For Proper Settle And Air Flow.
Chicago , IL

Lennox 13ACX-036

Turned on A/c on Arrival noticed condenser was low on Freon Added 2 lbs of refrigerant 410 let A/c run for about 30 min and A/c is cooling down the house A/c working ok
Chicago , IL

Check Boiler System For Water Leakage, Found Loose Bleeder On The Air Separate. Tighten Bleeder And Test Unit.

Chicago , IL

Check Water Leak In The Mechanic Room. Found Water Coming From Evaporator Pan Due To Clogged Condensate Drain Pipe. Remove And Clean Out Condensate Drain Pipe. Install And Test Unit, Ran For Several Time.

Chicago , IL

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